Saturday, July 31, 2010

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, love you, love you, love you”

is what my Papa said at the end of a 2 minute-long voicemail he left for me – his first ever on my cell phone – the morning after making last week’s recipe (tempeh noodle casserole and mixed greens with carrots and apples). He sounded invigorated, happy, energized, excited, and – most important – loveful. I was beside myself to hear him sounding so good and so vibrant. I’d like to think it was the delicious dosage of vitamins, fiber and other nutrients that caused him to sleep well and wake up feeling like he was on top of the world.

Listening to his voicemail a few days later I realize that he sounds the way I feel right now after a morning yoga session. I am clear-headed, focused, energized and far more balanced than I've been in quite a while. The first few times I tried yoga, I didn’t understand all the hype. I was in my teens and yoga was too slow for me. I felt the need – and still do – to break a sweat, get out of breath, and make my heart race whenever I exercise. This doesn't always happen during downward-facing dogs, pigeons, and child poses. The class I recently found uses all of the aforementioned poses but the pace is quick and the movements dynamic enough to require my complete focus. As a result I am prevented from getting lost in my obsessive monkey-mind – it is really nice … and quiet.

My Saturday morning trip to the farmer’s market this week inspired a beautiful meal with marinated farmers market peppers, cucumbers, watermelon and other fresh ingredients. A search through the allrecipe website, a macrobiotic cookbook filled with recipes by Harriet McNear, and online juice recipes yielded this week’s menu. I feel a little self-conscious tooting my own horn here but, the dinner was off-the-wall delicious.

At the end of the meal Dave, our guest of the week, said he was full then stopped to clarify, “but I don’t feel bad, it feels good – there should be a word for that,” to which Matt responded, “it sits well in the stomach.” Matt and Dave, who share an interest in computer programming and are constantly brainstorming, talked about making a website that allows users to create new words based on different etymological orderings. The conversation then turned to the history of Perl6, a computer programming language, and Larry Wall’s IRC nick “TimToady” (apparently derived from “There Is More Than One Way To Do It” – TIMTOWTDI). As the computer jargon gradually turned into white noise, I started writing this week’s blog in my head ☺

Menu of the week:

Mixed Green Salad with Avocado and Kalamata Olives

Marinated Farmers Market Peppers on Toasted Sourdough topped with Feta

Gingered Adzuki Beans with Carrots and Leeks

Watermelon and Cucumber juice with a Spritz of Lime

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